“ Guadalupe, affectionately known as "Nana" to her grandchildren, passed away, leaving behind her beloved family. Guadalupe was a devoted mother to Lucia, Arturo, and Ricardo. Together with her husband Jose Guadalupe, she lovingly raised her children in Chicago.
In her free time, she enjoyed tending to her garden and cherishing moments with her grandchildren. Above all, she took immense pride in her family.
She leaves behind her children Lucia and Ricardo, as well as her grandchildren Melissa, Jennifer, Ariane, Joey, Erica, Gabrielle, Amanda, Nicolas, Alisha, and Taylor. Additionally, she is survived by her great-grandchildren Elaina, Arthur, Gabrielle, Daniel, and Evan.
Guadalupe will be remembered as a devoted mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, and a true friend. Her absence will be deeply felt, but her memory will be cherished forever.”
Visitation for Guadalupe will be on Friday, July 21, 2023, from 3:00 to 8:00 p.m. For more information call The Sourek Funeral Home at 708-652-6661.